Dear Employers, I know you have a lot of priorities including getting your revenue in order, but employees are overstretched mentally during this period. Please be empathetic and flexible while we get over this together.
Employers have a duty of care to look after the wellbeing of their employees. These are unprecedented times with work and personal lines blurred.
I had a conversation with someone earlier today, she told me she is tired and overwhelmed. Her workload is not decreasing, in fact, she needs to show value at work by exhibiting flexibility and adaptability skills.
She’s home-schooling her kids, managing her work while dealing with the regular home front responsibilities. I agree this can take a toll on mental health.
I shared some tips with her:
- Discuss with her Line Manager for flexible working hours: She can start her workday a bit later, so she can home school her kids in the mornings.
- Use all the support available: If not physically going to the stores will save some couple of hours, why not take it, and use that free time to catch up on pending work tasks.
- I told her to take few days off work to refresh.
- Meditation: This can help increase productivity.
How are you dealing with stress and fatigue? Please share